Thursday, May 26, 2011

model un doc

Committee: UNDP

Country: Nigeria

Topic: Eradication of poverty

School: International high school

Name: Okechukwu Okeugo

Greetings Model UN,

     The topic of this year’s conference deals with the United Nations Development Program also known as UNDP. The topic eradication of poverty is an issue of this year. First to begin with poverty can be referred as ‘‘being unable to afford basic needs” do you know in Africa some people are not able to afford a meal a day, people mainly in Africa nowadays have to starve and die because they lacked the means of satisfying their most urgent needs due to crop failures, insufficient mastery of nature, and lacking medical knowledge. In spite of the poor economy in Africa some families in countries like republic of Congo and republic of Somalia can’t afford a meal a day. However the causes of this incident (poverty) is due to the differentiation between us humans , poor and the rich, the week and the strong, and the best and the worst even though we all are giving the right to equality by nature we still face this issues that have been recorded since the beginning of creation and birth.

     In the order hand Nigeria being the most populous country in Africa has also battled this great evil since it’s civil from 1861 -1865 which caused a lot of lives and destroyed a lot of property then came the origination of poverty which also took a lot of lives but due to the working together of it’s people they were able to fight it but this issue of poverty still occurs in their country till today. In all study countries, children from poorer families are less likely to go to school. In India, 48 percent of children living in ultra poverty attend school, compared to 81 percent of children living above the dollar-a-day. Despite a global trend poverty has a high increase in the rural areas.

      It is because of these issues that we the delegates of Nigeria would love the support from each country that will be willing to help us fight this incident that have been in existence for centuries (poverty) this issue that have deprived a lot of people there freedom to eat, drink and feed properly, Nigeria might be Africans most populous country but there are not the riches so we would appreciate at least a 1$ donation to help battle this incident by providing for the poor around us and giving them these basic need that will help support them also that will help build some houses that will help provide them a place to reside and help fulfill the right that we all are giving by nature(equality) 

"Undp." UNDP | United Nations Development Programme. Web. 25 May 2011.    <>.

Islam, Nurul. Reducing Poverty and Hunger in Asia: the Role of Agricultural and Rural     Development.

World in Danger of Missing Sanitation Target; Drinking-water Target Also at Risk, New    Report Shows." Web. 24 May 2011.

Monday, May 2, 2011

animal behaviour project

I chose an eagle because of its uniqe behaviour and also its a great symbol for unity and peace and dignity. An eagle with its powerful and graceful wings, it can soar through the sky and cause traffic to stop on the side of a road
An eagle with it unigue characteristics is capable of carrying prey that is nearly heavy as themselves
 Also Eagles differ from many other bird mainly by their larger size, more powerful build, and heavier head and beak.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Do not forfeit right                      See full size image
Do not give away your pride
Do not forfeit your happiness
Cherish your life and right

Live is not safe
Criminals are in power
The streets are no safer
But with your right you are

Human rights are your right,
Human rights are your freedom,
You need to know them, and learn them
The right to movement, the right to life

My right, your right, our right
May all the children be free and safe
May there be peace and no violence
May the black and white unite

Let’s all live in peace
 Let’s all help one another
Let’s not discriminate one another   
Let’s acknowledge one another

         The united nations have made the laws
The worlds have made the laws
They presented it as a declaration
Let’s help protect them and preserve them
See full size image


Nigeria's art dates back a long time, over 2000 years by some archeological beliefs. The Nok Terracotta and the Igbo Ukwu are examples of some excavations that have been discovered by archeologists to indicate a highly developed artistic and technologically based civilization. In turn Ugandan craft works are so varied that one needs to pay attention to various ethnic setting in order to exhaust it. One has also to make distinctions and give similarities that occur within the crafts of different ethnic groups. The differences that appear in crafts are consequences of the cultural practices of each ethnic group.
Art and craft are part of Nigeria and Uganda culture. Crafts have been developed through the traditions of the people. Art and craft are a result of the feelings of the people responding to a variety of historical events and influences and the environment in a most spontaneous manner. Art is the creation of works of beauty.

Nigeria and Uganda have a strong bond based in art production also both have a cultural relationship because they both also participate in masquerade activities usually celebrated ones in a year occasionally during Decembers and Christmas period also to add they both are countries from Africa so in summary this are both proud African country with strong beliefs in art.